Developer tutorials
Step-by-step guides and tutorials for developers
Next.js with Hygraph: Static Site Generation & API Routes
In this example we will integrate Hygraph with Next.js, taking advantage of SSG for an incredibly performant experience, client-side data loading using SWR.
Tools to Expand User Experience with the Jamstack
In this guide, we break down 28 tools that will help you add dyanmic user experiences to a static, Jamstack project.
Adding Dynamic Content to Jamstack Sites
Using the Jamstack has many benefits, but how do teams find the balance between static content and dynamic content that shapes modern web experiences.
Getting Started with Go and Hygraph
As more people use "Hygraph as a Database", we'll explore how to query Hygraph inside of your Go program.
What is the Difference Between SPAs, SSGs, and SSR?
Here we take a look at the difference between Single Page Applications, Static Site Generators, and Server-side Rendered Applications
Working with GraphQL Code Generator and Hygraph
In this post I'll show how you can install, configure, and generate your first query with Apollo Client using GraphQL Code Generator.
Personalization for Modern Web Applications
Modern web applications have become a pillar of the modern web experience and have been boosted by an API-first modular architecture. Why should personalization negatively impact their performance?
SvelteKit Starter Blog with Hygraph
Get up and running with this starter, follow the guide, or use the completed project to get started in minutes.
Working with Express.js and Hygraph
Fetch and display content from Hygraph inside your Express.js application in a few easy steps.
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