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How Hygraph uses Hygraph V: How marketing is using it

Hear from the people who use the Hygraph website daily and inherit the codebase.
Jing Li
Gabriel Zanzotti
Dino Kukic

Written by Jing, Gabriel & Dino

Sep 24, 2024
How Hygraph uses Hygraph V: How marketing is using it

One thing is hearing about the rewrite project, which may or may not match your idea of how to use Hygraph, but it’s an entirely different one hearing from the people who use the website daily and have inherited the codebase. So, this is what we will share in the last part of this article series.

#Publishing the templatized pages

At Hygraph, we produce high-quality content to help our audience better understand our product, headless CMS, content architecture, and other content management-related topics. It is reflected throughout our website, which has been redesigned to be more user-friendly with clear messaging. One such example is the Resource Hub.


The resource content page is a typical example of a templatized page. “Templates” are built for pages with more predictable functions and purposes that always follow the same structure, such as a blog, event page, or partner page. Editors don’t need to consider composing the page, so they avoid confusion and keep the design consistent.

Each element on the page reflects a field inside the content model. Some are mandatory, while others are optional. Editors have the option of showing or hiding optional components. Take the resource content page, for example. Here is the information we have on the page:

  • Slug
  • Title
  • Author
  • Description
  • Cover image
  • Page content
  • Form
  • SEO details (meta title and meta description)

Internal image (1).png

This means the content model has the following fields. The fields with an * are required, they must be added to the CMS before the page can be published:

  • Slug*
  • Category
  • Publishing date*
  • Title*
  • Author
  • Description*
  • Cover image*
  • Page content*
  • Hubspot form ID*
  • SEO details (meta title and meta description)*

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 11.42.47.png

When we redesigned the website, each templatized page was thoroughly discussed with relevant editors. Since our editors don't need to worry about how the content is displayed on the frontend, we could focus our efforts on making the layout as straightforward as possible. Editors can simply read field names as instructions, improving efficiency. We can also reference elements that appear in many places (like the author and company) to reuse them and save time.

Editor's Note

Let’s hand it to some of our editors:

I use Hygraph in my day-to-day work to publish event pages, upcoming livestreams, and other marketing activities on our website. Using Hygraph Studio is a breeze. It allows me to independently build event pages each day without needing constant support from our web developer.
Enxhi Hamzallari
Enxhi HamzallariSenior Field Marketing Manager at Hygraph
related partner logo
Using Hygraph’s page models for partner marketing is super easy, it affords me the flexibility I need, to work with only those content blocks which are necessary. It’s also fun, sometimes I feel like Tom Cruise using that futuristic screen in Minority Report.
Cristina Mitroi
Cristina MitroiSenior Partnerships Marketing Manager at Hygraph
related partner logo

#Publishing the modular pages

Another type of page that we publish as a marketing team is modular page. These pages need more flexibility, such as the home page, product page, and landing page. We know the structure roughly but need different elements to make them appealing and convincing.

A good example of this is the "try headless CMS" page.

Modular pages give you more flexibility compared to templatized pages. We will show you how such a page is made in this section. As Marketers (AKA non-technical CMS users), we know that entering a CMS feels like an adventure, especially when you see an entry like this:


It feels like entering the fifth dimension, right?


But if you break everything down, it'll make sense, and we're getting there. I will start with a high-level overview of the page model, then go deeper into “Sections,” examining individual components within—essentially working from the outside in.

At the starting point, the content model simply consists of 1 slug field and 2 high-level component instances:

  • Slug
  • Sections
  • SEO

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 13.48.18.png

The "Sections" component does the magic here - it's made up of different styles and blocks that allow you to show different components on the frontend. Each Section consists of:

  • Name
  • Slot
  • Section Styles
  • Block


As part of working on a modular page, the editor has already agreed with the designer on the style. That’s why the “Section Styles” are set up to be as simple as possible so editors can select from a drop-down menu. Below is an example of the choices for a pre-defined “Theme,” which defines the background color of each section.

Section styles

As mentioned earlier, various elements are needed on this type of page. This is essentially what “Blocks” are for, and we have pre-defined a series of components that may be used.


“Blocks” is a modular component field, so you can add only one or multiple nested components and repeat the same component as many times as you want. In essence, the page structure gives you a point to start with, but editors can use a variety of components to create pages that look very different.


Basic vs. modular component field

Basic vs. modular component field in Hygraph Hygraph’s components ultimately make your website composable. While there are 3 concepts related to components, we want to guide you through the component field here.

Component field is a special field type in Hygraph schema that defines which components of which type can be used in a model. Component fields can be of basic or modular types.

A basic component field can only have one component attached to it. You can limit the number of component instances to one or allow multiple component instances to be added in the content entry. The “Section Styles”, for example, is a basic component field.

A modular component field can have two or more components attached to it. The “Blocks” in this case, is a modular component field that allows users to choose from a variety of components to work with.

After creating the page draft and liaising with the designer, the time you spend in the CMS is minimized. Below is a real-time video to build a modular page from the ground up. Accompanying our recently launched live preview feature, you can visually check the page elements you’ve created at each step without going back and forth, further decreasing page-creation time.

Previously, creating a page involved bringing in design, deciding on a layout and then asking our marketing developer to build the page for us. After a lot of back and forth, 15 days later our page used to go live. Now, me and the marketing developer mostly talk about anime 😄 because pages? - I can build them myself! I decide the page layout on my own. By adding in and rearranging standardized design components, test things on a preview, share it with stakeholders and go live within a day or two.
Shahan Syed
Shahan SyedProduct Marketing Manager at Hygraph
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#Blog publishing

The blog publishing section is one of our website's most frequently used areas. In this section, I will walk you through my day-to-day job.

Since this is a templatized page, let’s take a look at the elements reflected on the frontend first:

  • Slug
  • Category
  • Tag
  • Title
  • Description
  • Authors
  • Publishing date
  • Cover image
  • Content body
  • Inline elements
  • SEO details

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This indicates the following fields in the page model:

  • Slug*
  • Category
  • Tag
  • Title*
  • Description*
  • Authors
  • Publishing date*
  • Cover image*
  • Content*
  • SEO metadata*

Our developers chose to format the blog content using Markdown. It took me some time to adapt in the beginning, but once the dust settled, I realized I could download articles as Markdown files directly from Google Docs and Dropbox, the 2 most common collaborative writing tools we use internally. This allows me to create blogs lightning-fast in our CMS.

I’d say the elements on our blog are quite standard, but there's one thing that delights my content-creating experience and makes me proud - the Inline elements. As an editor, I want our readers to have the best experience, and there should be different visual designs for buttons, quotes, callouts, and more. The use of Markdown allowed us to be quite flexible with adding components inside the article at this point, which I really appreciate.

Together with our frontend developer, we defined a series of in-line elements, which are stored in a shared Notion document as code blocks, so I just have to copy and paste them whenever necessary.

Inline elements inside the Hygraph blog

You're seeing a great example right now ;)

#Inheriting the codebase

Gabriel Zanzotti is a Senior Frontend Engineer who joined us earlier this year. Gabriel is in charge of the Hygraph website. Let’s hear his experience inheriting the system.

During my interview process at Hygraph, I was tasked with creating a modular page builder using our CMS. Although I had never tackled such a level of generic coding before, I quickly realized that with a well-defined and strict design system, it was possible to build pages both quickly and consistently. This challenge was truly interesting, and when I eventually joined the team, I was thrilled to find myself working on a much larger-scale version of my interview project. The opportunity to dive deeper into this complex project and contribute to its evolution felt extremely motivating to me.

One of the most striking aspects of the project was the perfect integration between design and development. The use of design tokens, combined with the synchronization between Figma and Tailwind CSS, was a game-changer. It allowed for a smooth translation of design into code and made sure everything is consistent across the board. Additionally, the accessibility improvements React Aria Component primitives provide, made the development process even more robust.

The project's structure was, as expected, quite generic to accommodate the dynamic generation of almost every page. The real complexity, however, lay within the design system components. These components were the backbone of our modular approach, enabling the creation of diverse pages with minimal effort.

Adding or modifying components was relatively straightforward thanks to the consistency of the system. However, I often found myself double-checking existing implementations to ensure I adhered to the established component API. With so many components and variants, maintaining harmony across the entire system required meticulous attention to detail. This sometimes led to discussions about the balance between providing editors with creative freedom and restricting customization to prevent disjointed pages. Ultimately, we decided to offer a degree of flexibility, coupled with a review process to safeguard against potential design mishaps.

Handling non-generic pages, such as list/detail pages for specific models, presented its own challenges. These pages needed to be excluded from the generic queries and required manual configurations, such as setting metadata—tasks that are typically automated within the generic structure.

Despite these challenges, I firmly believe that the benefits of this modular approach far outweigh the drawbacks. Moving forward, my goal is to expand our capabilities even further, enabling editors to create even more custom pages while simultaneously improving automatic validations, SEO, and accessibility.

Gabriel Zanzotti

Gabriel Zanzotti

Senior Frontend Engineer at Hygraph

Hygraph's logo

#Final words

Before the ending notes, I’d like to send greetings on behalf of everyone on our team who has participated in this content series. We were all very excited to talk to our readers directly, and for many of us, it was the very first time.

The inspiration for this series came from some heated discussions we've had inside the team - similar to many discussions in the CMS industry, which can be endless. So we decided to show you how we use our own product every day instead of telling you what to do. Having worked in content marketing for most of my career, I know that tools that make publishing more efficient help to convey the message more effectively, and never have I felt that Hygraph hold me back from telling the story I wanted.

Now, if you are already a Hygraph user, we hope this series has inspired you to make better use of the product (let us know if you like this series or not - your feedback is much appreciated!). If you are interested in trying Hygraph, you can sign up right away or read the full series of How Hygraph uses Hygraph.

Blog Authors

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